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Heat Shrink Tube / Heat Shrinkable Tubes

Our range of products for Heat Shrinkable Tubes

Heat shrink tubes are made of different plastic materials. Correct would be the longer term heat shrinkable tubing, because all, Shrink Tubing offered by us, only shrink by correspondingly high heating, which is also dependent on material.

But how actually creates a shrink tube (Heat Shrink)? 

To bring a shrink tube by heating to shrink the tubing originally produced is blown with high pressure hot air into the tube until it has expanded to be given the final dimensions. Following the stretched and warmed tube is then abruptly cooled by cold air from the outside to retain its stretched dimension. The more a hose is stretched, the more critical is the production.
What has been described briefly here is a complicated process because of the stretched hose must still meet many strict criteria so after this procedure.
So a shrink tube is nothing more than a tube, the first stretched and then stretched in this measure remains until processing. Therefore, a heat shrink tubing also can not continue to shrink as it was in its original state.

Our range of products

The shrink sleeves that we offer here are made of plastics such as polyolefin, PVDF, PTFE and Kynar.
Some shrink tubes are coated with an inner adhesive which melts at a corresponding heating and glued itself.
PTFE heat shrink tubing is not easy to process. The temperature window for the correct processing of PTFE heat shrink tubing is especially small and although 343 ° C +/- 5 degrees. If the shrink tubing too hot, then this comes from its solid to a crystalline state and no longer meets the specifications as specified by the manufacturer. For large diameters of PTFE shrink tubing necessarily to umschrumpfende object must be very hot, because otherwise the heat supply is not sufficient from the outside to bring the PTFE shrink tubing as desired to shrink.

Our range is wide and should be sufficient for most users and applications. Other heat shrink tubing types, as offered here, you can check please.
For the hobbyist, we offer product assortments and also the meter and cut their desired length of shrink tubing role.
Also Shrink Tubing in the practical box are generally very popular. Whether in the hobby room, at work, on construction sites and many other applications, the shrink tube box has a huge popularity. The shrink tube can be clearly and shaded area.
Shrink tubing on roll of cardboard is interesting more for bulk consumers.
But see for yourself the variety of heat-shrinkable tubing, which we offer here.

Drawing to show the size data

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